AUT 13 - Spital/Pyhrn - Steyr
The first four images of this entry were taken in Spital am Pyhrn. It is the first city in upper Austria when coming from Liezen which is in Styria. However it was raining cats and dogs and we fled into the next cafe. There the owner told us about a church whihc has two floors. He gave us the number of the man opening the gates for visitors and giving information on what is going on there.
the church is built on a rock which is said to have magical powers; the celts used it for ceremonies and in the 15th century this church was erected on it. the upper image is from the upper floor, the lower image is the lower floor. You can see the rock there.
the common "bsuff", who can be found in every Austrian pub. if you dont see him, the pub is likely to go bankrupt.
one for the AP - taken at the Gleinkersee
The Pießachursprung
i like this image
funny that they come in red white red...
The Steyrdurchbruch; quite a scenic place.
The next day we were in Molln. The days between we spent in Windischgarsten, as was obvious from the last entry.
The Musem in Molln offers information on how "Maultrommeln" are built and how they are played. needless to say they are on sale there, too. Needless to say, we bought some.
But this museum covers a wide aray of topics. ONe is the history of the Dachstein company.
Animals coming out of walls.
Florian + Christoph wuz here.
The we drove into the deepest valey we found. the water was ice cold, as was our beer after 10 minutes. We had a well deserved sleep there. Of course it was starting to rain again.
After waking up i had to try he maultrommel.
We finally arrived in Steyr. If you are ever there, make sure to check out the Cafe Treff.
Tomorrow: The Innviertel, including 10 Austrians and the birthplace of Hitler.
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