Wednesday, May 6, 2009

AUT 3 - Eisenerz

When i looked outside this morning i was wondering if i should even get up. Well, I did in the end, but the streets were empty. I managed to find a few people though...

First things first: the people of Eisenerz know what's cool...

No but seriously: Eisenerz is the Austrian town with the oldest people. Young are moving away, because it is hard to find jobs, or perspectives, the old stay, and... well die. Today there were 2 funerals held, the priest had to attend one and the lady who sold great hats too, but a different one.

Pfarrer Reinprecht

Frau Püringer: she still has to work, although she is over 80 years of age.

But not all people here are over 80: Martin for example is well under that age:

The next images shows the story behind the iron: the people from Eisenerz caught an aquarius and he showed them where treasures forever are to be found. The Erzberg was born. Well maybe the people from that area asked the venetians what they are doing here, because they were the first who really made profit from the styrian iron. "Venedigermandl" anyone?

But hey, at least the locals invented the Hauli. The Hauli is much beloved by anyone, and I certainly ask to replace the eagle on the Styrian flag with a Hauli.

Later i had enough of the rain and of sweeping my lens. This is why i went to a Gasthaus where I had fun with the local Gastwirt, who was very friendly and finally invited me for all I had. The man on the image is called Walter, who was a guest, too.

and here you see Walter "schrimalgeln" (hope i pronounce that right now) Again a situation where it was great to have a microphone ready; the talks where very funny, and the sound, too. The schrimagln is a typical game for the area i was told. Once there where dozens of Schrimagl places which were established by workers who didn't have enough money for the more expensive Kegeln. They do have issues with finding young blood though...

So that's it for now. Tomorrow i will take some more images in Leoben. Have a nice day,



hans May 7, 2009 at 11:26 AM  

very nice travel diary, way to go!
and i want to see the yaris!

Anonymous May 11, 2009 at 10:18 PM  

hallo flo,

super idee - errinnert mich ein bisschen an Pierre Bourdieus Fotos aus Algerien

- bis jetzt schaut Österreich aber ziemlich ziemlich "alt" aus - ist die Eisenerzgegend echt schon so überaltet?

Wann bereist du denn Salzburg? Werd mal überlegen wo es interessante Gegenden in meinem Heimatbundesland gibt.

liebe Grüsse

fr. May 12, 2009 at 10:06 AM  

Tja, Eisenerz ist tatsächlich überaltet... Admont ist allerdings jünger. Wies zwischen Altenmarkt und Steyer ausschaut kann ich dann morgen sagen. Und ja, überleg was es in sbg gibt; da komm ich sicher noch hin. lgf.

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