Tuesday, May 5, 2009

AUT 2 - Vordernberg / Trofaiach

Weekday's night in the middle of Styria are not very easy to spend. This is why i cleaned my car (which made me aware of the pleasure people draw from it, although....) and tried out to create a personalized map with google. However: I continued to take images of the Eisenstrasse:


Vordernberg was one of the most important towns of this formerly very important region of Austria. Erzherzog Johann lived here, and iron was produced here for a couple of hundred years. I find this region very interesting, not only because of its natural beauty, but also because of the notion of history. When walking through the middle of these torn down melting places you get an idea of how hard this work must have been (reading about it helps, too ;-). Nowadays Vordernberg is a pretty (very) calm place. Some impressions:

Hermann, the old lumberjack

Trofaiach: Some kids were showing me their best tricks. One bailed...

Why do these meetings so often lead to political issues? It is not me...


Modern architecture

Tomorrow i will go to Eisenerz; i am looking forward to that, because i think it is one of the most pittoresque towns in AUT.


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frames is Florian Rainer's personal collection of photographs, photography related webtipps and writings. frames is focussing on documentary and artistic strategies in photography.

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