Finally i found time to blog again. i dont know why i didn't do much last week, might have to do with the power supply of my computer, that didnt work, but also with lazyness in general.
However, i was quite drunk when writing that last entry. so i won't show Prater pictures but some interior shots of the Austrian parliament. I took these, when i was there to do some editorial work for progress that deals with "state and people". The pics displayed here don't deal with this topic, they just look good.
However, i was quite drunk when writing that last entry. so i won't show Prater pictures but some interior shots of the Austrian parliament. I took these, when i was there to do some editorial work for progress that deals with "state and people". The pics displayed here don't deal with this topic, they just look good.

That's the Reichsratssaal. If Austria declares war, it will be done there. By the way, i sense Liechtenstein has urgently to be taken. Another nice info: all our Parliamentarians will have to squeeze into these rows, once the modernisation of the real Sitzungssaal starts. I think, not many will be attending at this time.

The Sitzungssaal from the outside. it's surrounded by a mint-green hallway. I've been told that the different parties have different meetingplaces. this pic was taken from the left's place.

left again.

Thats the staircase that leads to the Green party's club. the green party's club is designed in fancy black marble though. i will post more of these pics, once the new progress is out. so stay tuned.
PS: a mutant is very dangerous to you because it flies faster than you and shoots you.
PPS: paranoid whimps will take over the world!
PPS: paranoid whimps will take over the world!
sehr schön! i'm looking forward to visiting your homepage.
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