Friday, December 4, 2009

a few links

Friday is linkday; thus i will provide you with a variety of photographic gems today.

If you want to spend some quality time on the internet instead of spending it with stolen sunday papers check out the archive of the Ostkreuz photographers collective: the link leads you to an overview of stories, produced over the last years. I'd recommend you check out Jörg Brüggemann's work there.

Another way to kill time on Sundays is to visit the photoblog of the London Telegraph: A huge load of great links is to be found there.

Speaking about newspapers, the Guardian is featuring Sebastiao Salgado's latest (and probably last) big series: stunning work as you might expect.
Salgado's Genesis Project

Additionally the Guardian has a fantastic series which is called my best shot. It features the work of grand photographers of the last decades, and every image comes with a short interview. Check it out here.

Last linkday i couldn't remember the name of the photo contest i wanted to link to: Viewbook is its name, and the Winner, Italian Francesco Giusti, did a series on the Sape in Congo. I stumbled upon a story of these well dressed gents a couple of years ago, but assumed somebody photographed them already. Well, now somebody did, in a very nice way: check out the winner's story and plenty others here.

(c) Francesco Giusti

Have a nice weekend, flo.


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frames is Florian Rainer's personal collection of photographs, photography related webtipps and writings. frames is focussing on documentary and artistic strategies in photography.

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