Friday, September 18, 2009

Bil ' In

The people from Bil'in organize a demonstration against the wall every friday. They are especially hit by it's erection, because it cuts their farmland in two parts, which makes much of it unaccessible for them.

Due to their nonviolent resistance many of the villagers are on the wanted - list of the Israely military. They pick them up in the middle of the night and take them away for interrogation. Very often, violent meassures are taken against the villagers, too.

Today i went to the demonstration: villagers, foreigners and activists gather after the friday prayer, march up to the wall. There they shout for peace and against the wall, try to drag some of the razorblade fences away. After that the military throws teargas, sound bombs or foul water at the demonstrators. Some run, some, who have masks, stay a little longer.

The image shows parts of a running boy, without a mask, attendants of the press, with masks, and some demonstrators. For one more image of the demo visit my page and go to the documentary/events section.

For a video of a demonstration go to you tube, search "Bil'In"

Tonight i will take images of shopping in Ramallah; ramadan comes to an end, and people buy presents for their loved ones. So at nights the streets are full of shoppers. I'll see how that goes. Off to Tel Aviv tomorrow.

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frames is Florian Rainer's personal collection of photographs, photography related webtipps and writings. frames is focussing on documentary and artistic strategies in photography.

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