Tuesday, September 29, 2009

The Activists Fridge

Today is my last day in Ramallah; some things worked out as i imagined, some didnt quite work so well. I think i learned alot over the last few weeks.

Especially when it comes to subject matter i might have been too strongly influenced by the wrong persons (those who deem themselves artists), and not by these who are producing the best documentary photography currently available (Rob Hornstra for example - check him out at Borotov.com) I will write more on this soon, for now i want to stay with an image of a fridge (which i find to be good subject matter)

I found it at an activist base. The white paper informs people that it is not allowed to put Israeli products inside, and there is a megaphone (is this the Engish word?) in the corner (not to mention these beautifully done ship - hats in red and blue ;-)

I am not sure what to think about the "Boycott Israel" thing; it certainly reminds me on the "Kauft nicht bei Juden" slogan of the Nazi years; then again, the distinction has to be made between Critique on Israel (which this belongs to), Anti - Zionism and Antisemitism (which is a strange term anyway, because it refers to a group of languages, Arabic is a part of, too)

I will spend the last days of this trip in Tel Aviv, maybe visit the beach. I'd love to have a surfboard here (you would not believe how expensive rent is - 20 Euros p/h.

Have fun,



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frames is Florian Rainer's personal collection of photographs, photography related webtipps and writings. frames is focussing on documentary and artistic strategies in photography.

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