Wednesday, August 19, 2009

AUT 36 - The small Derby

Again, these images were not taken during the trip, but at the beginning of April. We went there to celebrate our birthdays, and celebrate we did.

However these images circle around the game and the cult.

I was picking up Sonjy before we went there. Her neighbor's door:

The legendary Friedhofstribüne was crowded.

Alternate Views.


I can pan, too (sort of)

Peter Stoeger and one of his players.

A fan of the Vienna FC.

Soap bubbles.

When there is a free kick for the Sportclub, fans waive their keys.

These people live next to the stadium and had a party for the game. I was invited for a beer.

... beer infront of the toilets.

Another officer.

I dont think that there will be too many posts for the next week: I am currently in Italy (Tuscany, yipiiiieee!) and will only come back for a couple of days before i go to Israel/Palestine.

So this will be the last AUT entry for awhile. I like the Dubai / Oman photos better anyway. This is why I will show them from coming monday.

Have fun



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frames is Florian Rainer's personal collection of photographs, photography related webtipps and writings. frames is focussing on documentary and artistic strategies in photography.

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