Friday, July 17, 2009

AUT 27 - Innsbruck

It's been 10 years since i have been there, and that was in winter. I thin i never saw the Goldene Dachl at daytime. I did now.

Additionally i realize, that my camera is about to die. Frontfocussing is appearant in nearly every shot, the shutter clicks a tenth after the intended moment, the focus is beschissen altogether, and well.... i wonder if it makes any sense to continue with equippment that doesnt work as it should. i mean, what are nice portraits good for if they are not sharp were they should be? i am happy that the Austrians series is done at a large dof, so at least these images are in focus. By the way, i recently photographed my 350th Austrian. I do have to do 5 more Troleans, and then the people from Salzburg. I think i will be done next friday. Which means i will end this trip in a week. Which means i can hang around in Vienna from then on again. Which means that i will have a real bed to sleep in. And a shower. And a coffe machine. Oh my god.

i simply liked the play of forms here; the same is true for the following images.

low resolution means, you lose alot of meaning. this is true for this image where the perosn on the right side can hardly be seen.

very nice forms in innsbruck

one for the cup collection.

nice contrasts, too.

rails to concrete

swarowski costumers

the Dachl

tourist group

he loves taking pictures

can you find her?

he made an appointment for his friend at the doctor. before that he told me the story of his emigration from Afghanistan and how he came to Austria. "Adventorous" that's for sure. In the meantime he seems to be doing quite well here.

More garden than guests i assume.


Next entry: the knights from Burgenland (finally)


cebu pictures July 23, 2009 at 12:07 AM  

your picture looks like you are Asian in the land of the white.

fr. July 23, 2009 at 8:42 AM  

this must be the best comment ever.

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frames is Florian Rainer's personal collection of photographs, photography related webtipps and writings. frames is focussing on documentary and artistic strategies in photography.

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