Friday, March 27, 2009

a birthday party

My cousin Barbara celebrated her 30th birthday and i joined in with my 60 year old agfa isolette and an external flash. i shot three rolls of film and ot them scanned. i was really looking forward to he possibilities of this camera, and, well the images look nearly as i thought they might. well, except for the fact that the viewfinder is not showing what the lense sees. however: (why is the script a link now? damn blogger)

as you can see i did alot of double exposures, mainly double exposures, sometimes more. i always liked the sometimes ghostly sometimes impressionist look of these, (which can be blamed on me not exactly focussing); which fits to the notion of a party somehow.

PS: this is what the cam looks like when opened. a true gem.


Miss jane April 2, 2010 at 11:57 AM  
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frames is Florian Rainer's personal collection of photographs, photography related webtipps and writings. frames is focussing on documentary and artistic strategies in photography.

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