Thursday, April 24, 2008

two districts

Hey. i finally founfd time to post again. as i promised one week ago: pics of the 2nd and 20th district.

spring is in the air, and in this particular window, i found.

granny taking a red ride, she the asked me if i could hellp her. this was the first time i escorted an old lady over the street. (this sentence sounds horribly wrong)

and another old lady down at the donaukanal.

climbing is getting really popular right now. well it is fun, and cool, too. these guys are bouldering just opposite the flex.


i ve never seen this bridge before.

gaussplatz. one of the coolest roundabouts i know

cage football, twice.

friendly man, who told me that his son was a manager at Canon.

although these two were not sisters, they dressed the same

the guy on the right asked me if i dont have a job

i then found a nice market.


vendor, enjoying the sun


Karate tiger

flee shop, and tschecherl

women taking a break

she surely looks like a Brigitte

Geri, da oide

they had a fire alarm at the university of economics. nothing actually happened.

thats it for now, stay tuned.


Anonymous April 24, 2008 at 1:44 PM  

Uh! Was already thinking you got lost in Brigittenau, since you didn't post for quite a while. Not the best place to get lost though. ;-)

But you took some nice pics out of the "combat zone"! So it seems worth the visit.

I'd appreciate if you would comment my blog too:

Greets, Flo

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frames is Florian Rainer's personal collection of photographs, photography related webtipps and writings. frames is focussing on documentary and artistic strategies in photography.

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