Monday, March 10, 2008

mz part 2

Long time no see, at least when it comes to the blog. it's been over ten days since the last entry and, well, time went by too fast. well it was the first week of the new semester, and i ha to manage to get nto all the courses i have to take. you can believe me when i tell you that i want to keep the rest of my studies at the university of economics short. however: i visited muerzzuschlag at the beginning of february, and before everybody really gets into that spring/summer mood i want to bring back a bit of frost and some snow. not much, i promise.

i always want to step out when i go through this city by train. it somehow seems... well interesting, architecturewise. so i went there, because, i had the time, and a car.

this guy has a car too. although mine surely goes faster, his surely attracts the girls more.

left umbrella.
found this wall quite nice. faces.
and also the car had something nostalgic.

they have a nice billa there, too.
and when you leave town you can pass an eisstockbahn. to lazy to look that up. notice the mascot in the left corner.

a boat waiting for better times, and some educational space to where you can learn not to get hit by cars or motorbikes, or by one of those ridicoluos dune buggies that crawl out under their covers once it gets spring.

some nice underpants, and linen in the evening sun. i do have one shot where you can see the owner too. i dont know where i left it. but he looks as you would imagine a man wearing those pants.

some wheels.

and goals, with moles.

construction work.

this was the last image i took this day, and due to blogger i will cut this entry a bit short. it is actually part II of the muerzzuschlag photos, part one will follow this week (as soon as blogger is cool again)

stay tuned, fr.


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frames is Florian Rainer's personal collection of photographs, photography related webtipps and writings. frames is focussing on documentary and artistic strategies in photography.

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