Thursday, March 20, 2008

finally: my new website

Yeah Alex Wolf finally did it. i love my new site, i am sure, some of you do too. there will be a dailypicture feature on the site from april.
MANYMANYMANY thanks to Alex Wolf who seems to be the best guy, by profession.

you do not only get a new page, but a new entry as well. i wish i was you.

ok, after i have lots of photos to show, i'll do just that, right now. and i wanted to begin with my fav of this session, that was done in parts of the ninth district.
first shot: beyond the city: wilderness. i like the antagonism, as you might have assumed.

simple runningstaircaseshot, perfect distance for a wide angle lens.

na who knows this building?

those guys were riding the table, and had alot of fun. they were that well brought up, they even said thanks for taking a photo.

refugium, in the middle of 4 bridges, 3 main roads and a gas station. one could have taken this better, maybe i'll try again.

any OEBB memeber who wants to buy this shot amongst my readers?

biker, classy street b/w

you know that building, it is located above the U4

remember the running staircase from 5 shots ago? check out the ceiling here.


found those seemingly enclosed doves very funny.

that's a find waldo game, although our person's name here is not waldo. she looked like a brigitte.

if she was a boy she'd be called Kevin (google "Kevinismus)

a friend of mine is streetworking there, and told me, this lady gets delivered every morning, and picked up in the evening. not by the smallest car.

some forms, and shadows too. would be a nice place for a shooting (as some of the others in this entry)

she is on a mission.

still seems to be coming despite the snow showers outside.

passer by.

street signs, gathered.

is this photo good or does it suck? im not sure but i tend to like it.

however: next entry: tiergarten Lainz. have nice easter holidays.


Monika March 20, 2008 at 7:49 PM  

i'm still doing one photoshoot per month because I'm involved to a project. and I'm always happy if interesting and talented photographers contact me, but I'm not willing to contact them anymore, I wasted too much time on conversations with at least very uncreative people which don't "understand" that photography doesn't mean always to be "beautiful" and "sexy"

fr. March 20, 2008 at 8:37 PM  

you might look at the wrong places... photography most of the times involves something beautiful, that touches ones senses, but as everybody should know by now, beauty lies in the eye of the beholder. and "senses touched" most of the times means playing a tune, that people have heard (seen in this case) a milion times before, thus they can relate to. that leads to the point the beauty doesnt have anything to do with sexy. those two things go hand in hand once in a while, but intrinsically they have nothing in common. best wishes, fr.

Anonymous March 21, 2008 at 9:39 AM  

I love the b/w spiral staircase picture. Looks like a Cartier-Bresson!

Go on, Flo(w)

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frames is Florian Rainer's personal collection of photographs, photography related webtipps and writings. frames is focussing on documentary and artistic strategies in photography.

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